
Among us venting
Among us venting

among us venting

  • Since version 2021.6.15, the space between the vote icons changes to ensure there is enough space to display all the votes.
  • among us venting

    When the voting results appear, voters' icons appear in the order the players joined the lobby.In this case, it will act like any other tie, and no one will be ejected. A tie can also happen between players and the Skip Vote option.Anonymous voting was originally a feature in the v10.8 beta on PC.The sound played when the voting time almost ends. The sound that plays when a player confirms their vote on another player, only heard by the host. The sound that plays when the player selects another player to vote.


    This update also made changes to the voting screen so players could see the cosmetics they have on, such as hats or skins, but not pets. This turns all the icons that appear under a character when a vote is placed for them gray, meaning that players cannot tell who voted who. In version 2020.10.22, an option for anonymous voting was added. Voting is sometimes used to eject someone who is AFK or is annoying the other players, but the kick feature is better for these purposes. However, if anonymous voting is enabled by the host, all votes appear as dark gray.

    among us venting

    By default, it is possible to see what each player voted. If there is a tie, nobody voted, or if the majority voted to skip, nobody will get ejected. If the voting time is set to 0 seconds and everyone has voted, or Freeplay mode is being used, the host will have a "proceed" button in the bottom-right corner, which can be selected to take away the voting screen. In addition, if the player voted for another player, a hand giving a thumbs down appears over that player's nameplate, but it will not appear if the player voted to skip. Once a player has voted, their avatar in the user list and subsequent chat messages will receive a round badge-like icon with a thumbs up symbol. When a player votes, a message will pop up in the chat saying who has voted and how many players are left to vote. After everybody has voted or the time has run out, the votes will be shown, displaying the number of votes for each player, as well as skipping. The selection can be canceled by clicking the red X, or changed by selecting another player or the "skip vote" button. To vote, players must select the person they wish to vote or the "skip vote" button, then confirm by clicking the green checkmark. Every living player gets to cast a vote on who they think The Impostor(s) are, and whoever has the most votes, at the end of voting time or when all living players have voted, will get ejected. The voting and discussion periods are adjustable in the options. Depending on the options, there can be a limited amount of discussion time before voting.

    Among us venting