If you find an asset on this page that should not be featured here, please contact site staff regarding its removal. We love hosting great screenshots, and maybe someone else can use them in a review even if you can't. Approach the tree and then keep attacking it until you obtain apples in Genshin Impact. You can get them all near Stormbearer Mountains shown in the maps below: Head to the apple tree locations shown and look around for apples noticeably hanging on them.

>ilo He wanted to be respected by everybody.Kayatna a respetuen isuna ti amin. Plus, during the Marvelous Merchandise Event, you are asked to bring apples by Liben. Not every user account is authorized to contribute image assets, but you can contact site staff to request permission for your account. >ind You just made my day.Kau baru saja membuatku merasa sangat bahagia. Remember that you can also add images to this page, if nothing that's currently available works for you. You will need to update the above code snippet with the names of the images, but it's still easier than figuring out all of the HTML that would otherwise be necessary. If you would like to get more creative, you can also insert two smaller images, side by side:į This is the best way to make sure your images appeal to the eye, even if the site's design changes in the future. If you encounter any problem with your code, please contact our customer support. The image will display within the body of your review when it goes live, centered and with all of the appropriate HTML in place to make sure it looks good. Pikuniku is an absurdly wonderful puzzle-exploration game that takes place in a strange but playful world where not everything is as happy as it seems. Just copy the provided tag that appears immediately below the image you want to use, then paste it into your review between the paragraphs where you would like the image to appear. You can easily embed the above images in a review without knowing any HTML, simply by using the respective insertion tags.
Pikuniku wallpaper how to#
If you would like to insert them in your reviews, scroll down below the images for instructions on how to easily do so. These Pikuniku images are provided by site staff and volunteers, for use on the HonestGamers site.