You shoudnlt be worry about wasting it as it very usefull not only for tryng to kill adversays that are running away whit very little life but is also good to see where there enemy team is, to support whit a fight that is happing on the other side of the map whit a little damage and also good to move the enemy focus away from you during a team fight. Fire Shards it’s a very usefull ultimate, but its not your main weapon.Don’t try this if there is more than one target, you are not resilient and whiout the M.Fog to escape you will die. Send a M.Fog and follow it until you passed the mobs and are close to your target, then simply combo. Misterious Fog is also great to get the Clay Soldiers on your target. When you get ganked or are the target of an assassin, simply send a Misterious Fog and follow it, if done correctly you will probably escape. During team Misterious Fog can be used to iniciate, also sending one to the middle of the fight not only will probably do some damage but also give your teammates invisibility for a few moments making them impossible to target. Misterious Fog can be used as and ofencive, defencive or support skill.During team fight you whant to do your combo as in the middle of it as possible, since if you manage to detonate on more than one adversary the more damage you can do, still you must remember that you are not resilient and should stay back as mutch as possible.If afther your combo the enemy still as a lot of live simply use the 1,5 secs to get away, Nu Wa isn’t very resistant, but if he is close to dead sending a Misterious Fog and a few regular attacks will finish him.Once you get Clay Soldiers at max level you can spawn 3 of them, you don’t control them but if you play correctly you can make them gank an enemy and them simply detonate them whit Shining Metal for a massive damage and a stun of 1,5 that usualy ends up whit the enemy death or at very least retreat.Nu Wa its one of the best characters to push lanes, so even if you don’t get as mutch kills or assists you may be as usefull to the team as the top killer.For she is the Guardian of Heaven and Earth all mankind are her creations, her children, her responsibility. Determined to prevent such calamity from repeating, Nu Wa has summoned the elemental stones once more. Gods from all Pantheons have chosen Earth as a battleground, trading blows with the same thoughtless fervor that destroyed the World Pillar so long ago. Yet, the skies grow dark once more and chaos threatens to engulf the land. They ruled with wisdom and ushered in an age of recovery and prosperity, for which she is adored and worshipped to this day. In the years that followed, Nu Wa and her brother, Fu Xi, took the throne of China. Everything leaned, but the End was averted. Seas retreated, but rivers drained westward. Skies cleared, but the stars had shifted. Balance between Heaven and Earth was restored, but the world was never the same. One leg she used to prop the Heavens aloft and with the elemental stones, she sealed it in place. With the power of these stones, she slew a gargantuan tortoise, severed its legs, and raced to the broken World Pillar.

As the Earth shuddered and broke, and the skies turned black with ash, Nu Wa forged five mystic stones, one for each of the elemental forces of nature: Earth, Water, Fire, Wood, and Metal.